Monday, December 18, 2017

December 18, 2017

Christmas is close, and it´s HOT down here in Brazil! I don´t have a lot to say, only that I´m excited for Christmas and that I get to see my family! 

As well, Sister Novias and I had a really cool experience at the end of the week! We´ve had a referral for a little while now, and we had planned to visit her many times, but she hasn´t been home. We finally got to see her Saturday night, and she is so ready to hear the gospel! She had a really cool expereince with the BYU ballet. She´s a ballerina, and is hungry for more knowledge about the gospel!! We´re excited to really begin teaching her this week! 

We have a zone conference this week, and it was awesome! The Christmas spirit was really present, and we learned about what it means to be a friend of Christ, not just a servant. As well, what we can do as missionaries to bring others unto Christ. I love my district!!
Sorry this email is so short, we running!!

Love love love!
Sister Carlson

P.S. Pics! We finally managed to take some cute photos together haha! One is with Elder Frenwin (greenie) One with Sister Novias, one with our district singing, one with my plaque and a flower, and mom sent Christmas lights out, so we made a tree on the door! 

Monday, December 11, 2017

December 11, 2017

Good afternoon!

Christmas is close and people are getting more and more festive! It's a little different here, we have the Christmas lights and other things, but it's hot! No snow for another year haha!

We had our Ward Christmas Party on Saturday! It was so much fun, but more so the time before! We had lunch with the Ward Mission Leader Irmão Marcio and his family. Afterwards, his wife Irmã Cátia was running around trying to prepare for the party. Sister Novais was quick to ask if we could help, and we were put to work! I'm grateful for my mom, because every party that we prepared for prepared me for this moment--we were the ultimate sous-chefs! We also had a really sweet experience with her. She was really stressed out, but Sister Novais remembered a particular hymn that she loves to sing together. After we sang one, I asked Irmã Cátia what were some of her other favorite hymns. We sang and sang and sang, the whole house just felt good. The spirit can testify to us in different ways, and He definitely testified to me when we sang "A Child's Prayer" I know that the Lord answers our prayers, even when it feels like we've been left alone. There are times when we feel like we can't receive any comfort, but music can so quickly bring the spirit! Something that I've been trying to do more on my mission is sing when my mind is going haywire. Sometimes I'm mad, or sad, or I just want to be happier. When I have a moment to think of a hymn, the spirit has an opportunity to calm my mind and give strength to my body. What a blessing it is to be a missionary, I've had to learn so much in so little time!

I love you all so so much!!
Sister Carlson

Monday, December 4, 2017

December 4, 2017

This is going to be supa fast, I don't have too much time!

So it's another week two, usually the hardest week for me. But I am so grateful for Sister Novais because she has two transfers left before she goes home, and she has taught me SO much! I'v really had to learn humility in leading because I know this area, so I'm the one that needs to plan, needs to know the way. But at the same time, I don't know a lot about the mission, I'm still relatively new.

Sister Novais has been helping me with learning how to lead, but at the same time take heed of her counsel. Sometimes it's hard to be wrong, but it's only when we're wrong that we truly learn the right. I've been wrong a lot this week, and that's why this week has been one of great growth.

I also want to testify of the power of Family Home Evening. We were able to have a FHE with a family last Sunday and yesterday, and it was marvelous to see the trust we gained after sharing a message and an activity. There was so much joy in the living room, lots of laughter and stories of missions. I know that when we take this time to share a spiritual lesson with family and have a fun activity, relationships can be strengthed. Family Home Evening really is a blessing!

That's all I have time for! I'll try to get pictures next week, I love you all!!