Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Sister Carlson Arrives in the Field

A letter from Sister E Carlson's Mission President


Sister Silcox and I were excited to welcome Sister Carlson in the Brazil São Paulo East Mission. She has been assigned to an area with a companion who will serve as her in-field trainer. You should receive an email or letter from your missionary in the next 10 days in which she will tell you about her area and her new companion. Her companion has been given the assignment to help your missionary become a powerful instrument in the hands of God in her missionary service. Sister Silcox and I will also do everything in our power to help her have a successful mission experience.

Preparation day for our mission is on Mondays. All missionaries are given the opportunity to email and/or write their families and close friends on that day. In as much as their time on the internet is limited, we encourage all to be brief in their communications.  The use of internet social sites such as Facebook, Twitter and other chat sites, including email “conversations”, are not approved for missionary use.  Note also that missionaries are allowed to call home, but only on Mother’s Day and Christmas Day. Should family emergencies arise or you have concerns or questions, please contact us in the mission office.

Letters and packages from home must be sent directly to the mission office. The office address is

Rua Caa-Açu, 229 Belenzinho
03122-010 Sâo Paulo SP

We are confident that Sister Carlson will enjoy spiritual experiences and see miracles occur in the lives of people as she dedicates all of her heart, might, mind, and strength to this sacred calling from the Lord. We invite you to join your faith and prayers with ours in her behalf.

Sincerely yours,

President Silcox
Sister Silcox

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