It feels like a lifetime since I last emailed you all! I have so much to say, but so little time!
After I emailed you last week, I was able to go out and explore São Paulo! Yes, Mr Cheney´s Cookies is a thing, and since we were new, we got a cookie for free! Sister Kearsley and I didn´t explore too much, but the stores we did visit were super cool! Most everyone we´ve met is so nice and willing to communicate even though this language barrier has been a little tough!
This week has been another blur of language and spiritual study. We´ve been told that we need to be more diligent in our language study, and I panicked a little! Here at the CTM, sometimes I feel like I have to choose whether I study the spiritual or the language, and usually I choose the spiritual. I´ve really begun to crave reading my scriptures and learn more about Joseph Smith, which is such a blessing! Now I just really have to balance my time and focus on the language. The gift of tongues is real, but Heavenly Father can´t bring something to my remembrance if it´s not already there! The atonement is a wonderful tool that can be utilized for any circumstance in life, and I´ve definitely been using it to help change my attitude of discouragement into determination!
I´ve been getting kind of sick this past week. Everyone seems worried, but it´s just a scratchy throat, a runny nose, and some occasional crazy coughs. I received an anointing and blessing from Elder Nielsen and Elder Sherrow (elders of my district) and it was a very sweet experience. I am grateful for worthy priesthood holders in my life, and the fact that they care for my welfare. We finished district prayer last night when Elder Sherrow said, "You know Sister, you have six elders in this district that would all be happy to give you a blessing if you need it." Such a sweet thing to say! One of the first things it said in the blessing was that My Father in Heaven is proud of me, and I really needed to hear that! Now, I want to work even harder to become even better!
I´m really grateful for this week. It has been filled with ups and downs, but I think I´ve come out a better person. My companion and I are definitely closer because of it. I´m growing to love her more as I set myself aside and try to understand her. We have very different personalities, needs, and backgrounds, and I´m grateful for this friendship!
Before I forget, I now have two different names among the Brazilians! The first one is Adele (I guess I look like her?), the second one is Sister Legal (which means cool in Portuguese, they don´t like pronouncing my long name!) it´s especially fun during volleyball! It is such a blessing to be with these awesome people, it will not be hard to love my investigators if they are all like this!
Yesterday I was told my mission is the best (which I already know). Here, it is called São Paulo Leste. But the Brazilian I was talking to said it was São Paulo (Ce)Leste! I was also told that my mission was known for match making, as in people found their spouses on the field and got married afterward. I may have given a little huzzah at that knowledge, but who´s counting? Sister Grahl has told everyone in the CTM to "lock your heart" and have an eye single to the Lord, so I will definitely need to use that bit of advice!
Tomorrow we´ve been told that we are proselyting with actual people tomorrow! AH!! I´m more than a little nervous, but the temple trip today was really wonderful in giving me peace. I know that I will most likely mess up when talking to people, but that´s all a part of the growing experience!
Thank you, I love you!

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