Hello family of mine!
Sorry that my email last week was so short, with no pictures, the nerve! In reality, we were in a completely different area to visit other missionaries, and by the time we looked at the clock, it was 7 at night! But it all worked out, thank you all for your emails, letters and packages! I feel so loved whenever I hear from you all!
But this week was super productive! Because we´re sister leaders, it´s our job to "host" divisions with other sisters. What a scary but fulfilling experience! Before, I always said, "I´m still a baby on the mission, I´ll let someone else make the decisions" But not this time! Not only did I have to plan exactly what we would so for a full day of work, but I also had to think of plan B,C,and D in case things fell through! How daunting! The first one was a little rocky (because things kept falling through, not because of the sister;) but the last one was such a blessing! I´m so thankful that God blesses his leaders with inspiration! We had two divisions to plan--one with more less actives, one with more new people. We felt to save the day with new people for division two, and it turned out to be exactly what those sisters needed! It was also good for me to be able to have this productive day with this Sister, because with her help, we contacted 6 people and taught an amazing lesson! The next day, Sister Guerra and I were able to teach 4 of these new people, and find another new person in the house of a less active! I´m so grateful for this opportunity of growth Heavenly Father has given me, no matter how anxious I was in the beginning! The Lord truly calls the weak, I have a front row joe to all of my weaknesses. But inspite of my human imperfection, God has taken me and polished me a little more. Now I can see an inkling of confidence, of self-love, and the person that He knows I am. How awesome is that!
I love you all so much, please stay safe, whether snow or shine!
Sister Carlson
P.S. Pictures! We have pics of the baptism with José Rogério, the wedding of Sandra and Edmilson, me loving Hyrmn (the most precious peruvian-brazilian baby ever!) a p-day when we bought milkshakes together, and a video of me singing with Sister Finau (the coolest sister leader of sister leaders!!)
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