Good (early) afternoon!!!
Well this week has been something! My companion has gotten very sick, and basically this week has been running between medical appointments, going home to rest, and work when she has the strength. It has caused me to contemplate my mission, what I´ve already done, and what I´d like to do in these next 3 weeks.
Something that I´ve learned about the Lord is that He is satisfied with whatever type of sacrifice we give Him. It can be a coal or a diamond, He is still pleased in receiving our sacrifice. That doesn´t mean we can settle for less--we need to strive every day to be better. But some days, we aren´t strong enough, and we can only give a little. And He´s still happy! Just because we had to stay home for most of the week doesn´t mean that the Lord was dissappointed with us--quite the contrary! Sister Hirtle is His beloved daughter, and if she pushed herself and got more sick, He would be devestated. And yesterday, we were blessed with lots of investigators at church, and she had the energy to teach two amazing lessons! I can clearly see the Lord´s hand in our work. I´m excited that my companion now has the strength to get back to work, because now I´m going to sprint to the finish line and onto my next mission!!
I love you all, have a fantastic week!
Sister Carlson